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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15's with east west tongues?

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Ive been skating barefoot forever. My 6 month old s15's force me to wear a sock because of the rough material on the nonfelt tongue. They rub terrible sores on the top lace point. So i was going to try to get some east west tongues and have them sewn in. How are these going to affect the volume of the boot and is it even possible to sew em on with the texilium toe cap.

thanking yall in advance.

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I actually asked them the same thing because I was getting some really bad lace bite with the stock tongues. Anyhow, it is possible to do. What they do is cut the original toungue of towards the bottom leaving a piece of the old tongue and then stitch the new tongue onto the remaining piece of the old tongue. I was quoted $70 for the job

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i havent had any dealing with eastwest but George's Hockey Repair did a fantastic job on my skates, i had the same felt tongues (georges has them in stock) put into my One95's and they will pay for ground shipping for any repairs over 50 bucks i believe, but they were tremendous....not knocking eastwest in any way, just giving another option. good luck

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Since the S15 tongue seems pretty thin to begin is it a better idea(cheaper) to sew on some felt directly onto the tongue? I've seen some Pro Stocks with a nice felt tongue after I bought mine.

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Hello, This is Ronald Brilliant. I am the CEO of Absolute Athletics the makers of bungapads. Let me know where your having the issue and let me see if I can come up with a solution. You can post or email to rbrill@bungapads.com. I hope we can help as that is the sole purpose of my company...to keep athletes in the game™. You can also go to www.bungapads.com and look at the lace bite preventer and the blister cushion products. These may help.

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