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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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cracked ccm u+ boot

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So here's the deal, i bought my ccm U + skate from hockey x sport and had them converted to roller about 7-8 months ago and i had been hearing a squeaky noise latley, so i took them in to a different store and was gonna put the ice holder back on and when they took off the chassis the boot was cracked and they said it was more than likley from when they mounted them why they used a bigger rivet than was needed and went too deep and pulled down to tight on the copper. So then i called hockey x sport and was talking to one of the guys there and he told me that there was no way to go too deep when mounting a chassis, then i sent him pics and he tried to tell me that they cracked it when they pulled it off. so pretty much does anyone here do ice to inline conversions and is it possible to go to far deep into the boot and over tighten it?

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I've had 2 conversions done for me personally and know of at least 5 others who have had their conversions done by the guys at Xsport. I stand by their work. I'd be very surprised to hear that the guys at Xsport damaged the boot when putting on the chassis and didn't say anything to you. That's just asinine.

That does not make any sense to say "too deep" into the boot. Once you're through the outsole, you're IN the boot. There's nothing deeper. The only way to go "too deep" is completely through the boot!

It's either one of two things: a.) The boot cracked through using it (likely) or b.) or the guys that pulled off the chassis were tugging on the chassis and cracked the boot (more likely).

I have no affiliation with HockeyXSport other than a long time loyal customer.

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