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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Goal Post Cover

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I have been meaning to ask this for a while, but I just now remembered to do so. During the Stanley Cup Playoffs on CBC, Don Cherry had the cameras show a closeup of one of the goal posts. I don't remember who the netminder was, but they had placed rubber covers over the bottom of the goal posts to protect their skates. These covers were 4-6" long split tubes of rubber that snapped over the outside of the posts. Don said that they were legal. Is this true for all levels of hockey? I was thinking of making a set, but I don't want to do it if they are going to call a penalty.

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Edge Pro-Tech - brilliant invention, NOT legal for use during play, only during practise and warm-up. I use them religiously in shinny as well. I've had a few guys bitch in shinny (to which I say, if you hit them, we'll call it a goal), and you WILL get them confiscated by a referee. Usually about $30 CAD a pair, and well-worth it.

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Pretty well every NHL team does. They also just got the QMJHL and will soon have the entire CHL junior system on board.

Their only problem is that they last forever: no planned redundancy. Unless they start making team colours, they'll only sell a maximum of four sets to any given team, until said team starts losing them.

I will say this: they are the only things that have a serious chance of magically disappearing every time I take them on the ice - much coveted by other goalies, and by players looking to steal them for their goalies to present like offerings for an uneasy god.

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