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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor xxxx fit question

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After wearing 8000's for the last few years I recently got a pair of Vapor xxxx's. I went from 5.5D to 5.5D in the Vapors. The Vapors fit fine all around with one difference in the toecap. The toecap is wider in the Vapor and I can actually feel my toes. My toes do brush the toecap in the Vapor. In the 8000 my foot is pretty tight in the cap widthwise so it's hard to tell if the issue is length or just the different toecap. The width is fine at the forefoot except for the toecap and I have excellent heel lock. Still the extra room in the toebox is very different and I'm not sure if it is just more comfortable or if I should have gone with a smaller Vapor. I have skated in the Vapors 4 times and they feel (almost too) good. Is it just that I am used to the other boot or is the skate a touch longer? Any thoughts would be appreciated...

Also, does anyone know if the holder length would be the same dropping down a half size?

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If what are trying to ask is that the skates are the wrong size because thy are so comfortable then I'm not really sure what to say. As long as there is no slippage or sloppage then I would say you have nothing to worry about.

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