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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weight comparison between One95 vs. AK27 blades?

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Just wondering if anyone has compared these 2 blades, particularly regarding weight. Looking to get a One95 intermediate shaft and would like to go with whichever is the lighter blade to create the least blade heavy setup I can. Also, if anyone has a preference of one over the other, I'd like to know as well. Thanks.

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I have the nike-bauer ONE95 shaft with the ONE-95 blade & a Easton SE16 shaft with the ak27 blade. ( they're SR's of course ). My own judgement here so just wait on other opinions, BUT, the AK27 blade does seem a tad bit heavier than the ONE95 shaft/blade combo. I noticed it right off the bad. The weight difference Isn't DRAMATICALLY noticeable.

I don't know what it is with warrior blades for me... but I can never keep them long enough. They tend to get cracked after I receive passes.... I even have soft hands. This may be just my bad luck with warrior blades ( DOLO'S and AK27's ). The ONE95 has held up nicely and Is probably the best blade I've ever used in a standard two piece- Not only is the blade a bit lighter than the AK27 but the durability is amazing thus far. The only one95 blade I've purchased was the one I got at the same time as the shaft....

Anyway to get back on topic. My opinion: ONE95 is lighter than the AK27 but it isn't a huge noticeable difference to the point where it will effect your game... The durability is amazing on the ONE95 though & I can't stress that enough :D

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I have used both quite a bit last season and have to say I prefer the one95 blades. Even in my AK27 I put the one95 blade after a while. I cant point my finger on it but to me it seems that I had more control on passing and a better puckfeel with them. The one95 blade is a bit thicker but in terms of weight I wouldnt say there is much difference between them. They are both highend blades so the few grams between them should be unnoticeable for almost anyone.

However my subjective opinion is that I prefer the one95 blade in terms of puckfeel and passing (especially receiving passes). Durability wise they are both tanks. I wish there was a tapered one95 blade available...

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