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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestions on new equipment

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What are you doing with the 5044's?

I think I will hold on to them until I am sure I am happy with the replacements, assuming I can find a replacement.

If I decide to sell them I will post them here in the sell section first.

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In my opinion, a good set of elbows is more important than shins in most beer leagues. My Supreme30s (now retired) served me well and I took quite a few shots off them w/o much damage.

I would disagree, I have the worst elbow pads in the world and I haven't had any problems. I also have the worst shin pads in the world and haven't had any problems there either. But I tend to block more shots then fall on my elbows.

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The Bauer pro lightspeed protective line looks pretty good for the combination of protection and mobility. Does anyone have any experience with these? Trying to decide between lightspeed, one75, xxv, or one55. The lightspeed looks good because the elbows appear to be less restrictive than the other options, and the shinpads look like they have superior calf protection...shoulders appear to be a bit bulkier though.

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The Bauer pro lightspeed protective line looks pretty good for the combination of protection and mobility. Does anyone have any experience with these? Trying to decide between lightspeed, one75, xxv, or one55. The lightspeed looks good because the elbows appear to be less restrictive than the other options, and the shinpads look like they have superior calf protection...shoulders appear to be a bit bulkier though.

just got the Nike-Bauer pro lightspeed shoulders on a deal - with shipping about 6/10th's the retail price of the new Bauer pro line replacing the pro lightspeeds. The shoulders are bulkier than the one75 but it is surprising how light they are and how mobile they feel despite the bulk. I'm replacing supreme 70's with the pro-light speeds and what I can tell so far is that mobility is not far off and I've the 70's for a long time and they are well broken in. while the pro lightspeed weigh in more than light, light shoulder pads they are surprisingly light, well balanced in weight and give good overall coverage and protection.

light enough win

more protection win

bulkier but you don't notice it - win

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