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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need a new curve

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Heyy Guys, Basically im in need of a new curve soon and i need your help, im currently using a P91A but i feel its too open and the curve isnt curvie enough for me .

So i was wondering if any of you guys know a good curve that is good for stick handling and mostly wrist shot and the odd slap shot which is less open and has a more mid curve to it instead of a mid-heal and still the ability to get the puck in the top corners and the top shelf, and also depending if i stay with Bauer or head to easton whast would be the easton equivalent ?

Thanks for you help :)

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sounds like any retail mid curves good....datsyuk, recchi, lindros p88, iginla or sakic, hossa or rafalski, afinogenov, fedorov or kovalchuk etc. etc.

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yeah, recchi, 88 and iginla is what you want, I dont have enough on ice experience with the rest of those to comment personally.

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