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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung or Hummer

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I am converting some ICE skates to roller

I currently using ccm pf10 - love the boot and dont have an issue with the chassis except that I have to buy multiple types of wheels.

I bought some cheap tours e2 with a hummer chassis and didnt like the boot at all- not stiff enough.

The skating took a little time to get used to still feel like my gravity is off- less balance but like the all 80's.

So my questions are:

because I have an ice boot and hummer chassis - should I just convert? if so anyway to make the balance better?

I saw heel lifts but not sure what that does? can someone explain?


Should I buy some sprungs and mount them?

Any opinions-

Thanks for your help in advance

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It is no problem adding the Hummers to a pair of ice boots, our team does it all the time, there is usually a small amount of dremeling in the second wheel spot and maybe the first based on the boots. You do not need to add risers or shims you will adjust rather quickly to any differences from your old skate setup to your new.

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