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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15's with super feet.

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Ive been skating in my S15's for about 9 monts. After all the threads on The wonders of super feet I decided to get some. When i put them in the skate I noticed the edge of the heal cup doesnt touch the edge of the skate. There is kind of a gap all the way around the heal area and even in the arch area. when lace them up they pinch my feet in that gap. Any body else have that problem? I even bought the next size up and trimmemd the toes down and still had the same deal!

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I have S11 with blue superfeet. I dont have that problem. I say bring in your skates to a place that sells superfeet and ask if you can see if they will work for you. My local running store allowed me to do that.

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i have had that set up both with s15 and s17 skates. did you try putting the removable heel lifts under the superfeet before putting the skate on? thats how i wear my skates and i dont have the issue you do

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