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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Praticing Dekes

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what i do is somewhat the same as kovyperron mentioned

on our upstairs floor or the garage or even outside in our driveway

i lay down a bunch of objects and practice going through them with a stick and golfball (i use a wooden stick on the driveway as it eats up the composite material)...the golf ball is a bit bouncy (soft hands help)

i usually try to be instinctive when i am doing it too...not really have a set plan in my head as to how i will get past the objects. just go up to it and last minute go left or right really quickly and then around and etc. if you can do this outside with a pair of rollerblades on even better or practice it on the ice at stick and puck or something with a bunch of pucks (kovalev drill as kovyperron stated).

hope this helps. :D

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I have a serious problem trying to take someone one-on-one. I'm a pretty speedy guy, so i never really developed any dekes, since when i was younger I was able to just skate around someone to the outside and still have enough time to get close to the middle for a decent shot or look for a pass. What techniques do you use to get around a defender and how do you practice them?

I've found when teaching the younger kids to skate/deke through someone that using one of the smart hockey attack triangle works great.


The reason being is you learn to look for the "holes" and the triangulation of someone skating backwards trying to cover you. Just work on using your speed, putting the puck through, or around a defense man. Once you got that, use the triangle to practice quick drags around the stick, once you get that, drag then put it through the legs of the triangle. Once you start getting that down, you'll find your no longer thinking or what to do and things will become natural. Once that happens it'll open up / give you time to be more creative with your dekes / moves.

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