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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stretching/Breaking in 9k's

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RBK's do fit a bit wider so i got a D because they didn't have anymore E's or EE in my size.

I haven't had to break in skates for years now so im not sure if that fact that the whole side of the boot that is feeling tight is normal.

I bought them because i didn't want them to sell out so i can still return them because i haven't even got my first sharpening yet. That way i can keep my eyes peeled for an E or and EE but ill have to wait to get them for the same price i picked them up on sale for. Or i can gamble and hope they break in, possibly even stretching from a D to an E?

If i have any problems after that i could punch out the remaining pain spots?

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For a general rule when i buy new skates, i try and wear them for 4 or 5 ice times and if the pinch doesnt go away i get them punched out. I managed to get rid of it mostly with lacing changes, i now leave my forefoot fairly loose and tie the tops tight. It feels a lot better and gives my foot a bit more room then it had before.

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Look at my posted picture in the "Photos of Yourself: Playing hockey thread". Look at the pic of me about to shoot a one timer. I have my 9k's pretty loose in the forefoot and the tops tight. I went from a ProStock Nike Quest 1 9EE to a RBK 9k 9.5D

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