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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade comparison - switching from an old curve to new

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I bought 10 gear hornets thompson curve a few years back from Hockey Giant for $39 each.

Love the weight and curve- problem is they dont have it anymore and I am on my last one.

I want to try out the high end Bauers or easton but want to find a comparable curve.

Anyone have an idea or owned a gear?

I think the curve is kind of like a Iginla - what is close to that in Bauer?

Thanks for your help

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I believe the P12 is bauers clone of the Iginla. They seem to be pretty hard to find and depending on how picky you are with curves there isn't any common curves in bauer that really come close.

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P12 is available for custom orders, but P88 is the closest retail pattern, and that should be a pretty good match. P12 would be the best if you could find a pro stock, which isn't impossible depending on how good your LHS is.

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