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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Strongest ice boots for inline conversions?

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Can someone please reccomend some strong ice boots where the sole is very well bonded to the boot so the chances of separation are minimised? Im only asking as i have had two pairs of converted ice boots, NBH one90 and the one70s and the one90s separated withing literally months and the one70s lasted just over a year before they started to fall apart. I was thinking about converting a pair of rbk 9k ice skates, has anyone done this and think its a good idea? Also does the weight of the chassis have an effect on how long the set up may last in terms of aluminium vs magnesium for example?


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Id also thought about the flexlite 4.0 skate anyone converted these and had any success with them? Also does anyone know how these compare in weight and durability to the top end vapours and supremes?

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Id also thought about the flexlite 4.0 skate anyone converted these and had any success with them? Also does anyone know how these compare in weight and durability to the top end vapours and supremes?

What size skate do you wear....

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