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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rbk goalie mask sizing

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My wife is looking at playing goalie this year and needs to get a mask. She wears a med. adult rbk hockey helmet. Would she wear a adult med. in a goalie mask? Unfortunately, there is not a LHS close by to go and try stuff on, and the rink shop is terrible. Thanks for any advice.

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I believe Goaliemonkey.com has sizing charts for both the RBK player helmets and goalie helmets.

How much are you and she looking to spend?

If you need any assistance finding other female-specific goalie gear, which can be a very tricky process, head to Goalielife.com, join the forums, and ask a mod called "kohomcm" (either in a thread or in a PM). Eli got his wife into goaltending a while back, and went through a long process of finding her the right equipment. He's extremely knowledgeable, and a great guy to boot.

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