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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel Hardness and Recommendations

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Just today I've had two bearings break on me so I ordered bearings online from inlinewarehouse. And I realized my Rinkrat Hotshots XXX Grip 80mm wheels were chunking really really bad on me so I decided to buy some new wheels. I heard great reviews on the Revision Variants and that their durability was awesome. So I decide to order a set of 4 80mm wheels but I didn't know what hardness to get. So I used the hardness rating (i.e. 76a/74a/72a) instead of Revision's "wheel matrix" chart. And my Rinkrats were 76a hardness and to me they were very grippy and the acceleration and speed I get from that wheel is awesome.

And so I saw that the Bronze version was 76a compared to the Gold which was 74a and the Platinum which was 72a. So I bought 4 wheels of the Bronze set and now that I already made my order I'm worrying that I may have made the wrong choice. As I see that Revision says that the Bronze wheel is for skaters that weight more than 200+ pounds as I weigh only 130 pounds. So I'm wondering if I made a bad choice or if that's fine based on personal preference. Thanks for reading.

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I'm wondering if I made a bad choice or if that's fine based on personal preference. Thanks for reading.

Personal Preference, most people around here will tell you that for your weight you should be using at least 74a hardness. I'm around your weight and used 76a hotshots for a year and never thought at all that they didn't provide enough grip for me. I'm on 74a (labeda fuzions to be exact) now and while I didn't notice a difference in grip going on to them swapping back I did. the flip-side of all this is the extra durability of using the harder wheel which is rarely a bad thing.

If the 76a hotshots you had worked fine then the revisions should as well :) and if they for any reason they don't, at least your getting an idea of where your personal preference lies

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it should still be alright. I'm below 200lbs (*ahem) and originally thought the bronze would not work for me. First skate on them, and had to get used to the grippiness. Great set of wheels... never regretted going with these.

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yea i had same problem with my hotshots chunking, i am now done with rink rat for good, i have revision bronze for my back wheels cuz a guy on my team gave em to me, havent chunked yet and grip is still good, gonna try all revision bronzes next time i order wheels.

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