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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shaft for 8-K custom composite blade

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I found a pro stock curve that I liked, so I just ordered some custom Reebok 8-K blades. (For those who have asked about custom composite blades in the past, I had to order a minimum of 12 but there was no extra fee for making the mold, and the cost per blade is actually about the same as for the retail blades in the store. I was also told that I could get custom Sher-Woods with a minimum of 6 blades, but they were more expensive per blade. I was told that nobody else would do composite blades for me.)

Anyway, once the blades arrive in 6-8 weeks I will need a shaft to go with them. Does anybody know of any shafts that are known to NOT work well with 8-K blades? I'm not too picky, but I don't want to have to deal with adding tape to anything, having a loose blade or having to cram it into the shaft if I can avoid it by simply not buying a shaft that doesn't work well with the blades.

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don't take this the wrong way, but if your worried about the blade being loose, maybe try the 8k shaft? As long as the blades are tapered, should work well. I haven't heard anything good or bad about that shaft yet. but the proshops here are way behind on new gear.

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My buddy has the new 8k shaft and he loves it thus far. Feels pretty solid, I've not shot with it though so I can't give you my opion on feel or anything.

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i have the 8k, amazing price, amazing shot, amazingly light :P i put it with a mission prostock blade, so i can't comment on the feel department for the 8k blade

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Thanks. Obviously a fair point on the 8-K shaft and something I'm looking at, and the good reviews on it are great to know. I probabaly should have mentioned that in the recent past I've used Warrior and TPS shafts (and OPS) and all things being equal would have had one of them make the blades - but I couldn't do that because they wouldn't make the customs. So I guess in thinking about it I'm just trying to confirm that there are no major known issues with pairing us 8-K blades with Warrior or TPS tapered shafts.

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