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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Titanium OPS

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Thanks. Out of curiosity, did you cut them down at all and what impact did that have?

mine ended up breaking in a little bit, so yeah i guess it played pretty true to flex if i kept using it, ignore my comment awhile back

i havent used it much after the first 2-3 tries

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I have two 85 flex retail Titaniums, and I did find them stiffer than rated. Even after some use, I still found them stiffer than I feel like an 85 should be. I've been using 85 Dolomites for a few months, and the Titaniums are noticably stiffer than those (they never broke, and I go back to them once in a while). Having said that, I did like the Titaniums. They held up nicely, and I like the feel of the blade; although I do find them a little stiffer and heavier than I like (don't shoot me, I know it's not cool around here to complain about weight).

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