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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hey guys i promise im not gonna ask a million questions about tuuks or cobras on my grafs...but i do need a little help with my skate situation. im down to either g5s or synergys (with tuuks either way) but im having a bit of a hard time deciding between the 2. my 8090s arent doing it for me right now and have a way to sell them so im leaning toward the synergys especially cuz of graf CAs recent quality issues (my 705s were totally done after about 6 months, and i aired them out after every time i skated etc.). the problem is my 705s, while intact, were great, which makes me really think about g5s. i can get the 2 for the same price so that isnt an issue. i would really like feedback from anyone who has tried the synergy skates on the comfort of them without baking and their stiffness (please dont just tell me wicked stiff if you havent tried em on ice cuz ive had them on i just havent skated on em) especially compared to 8090 stiffness, which is pretty good, the boot just isnt fitting my foot well. both are pretty damn ugly but the synergys probably are better looking than g5s, haha dont shell me with how that doesnt matter i kno it doesnt but whatever. also, and i tried searching for this, but apparently ryan weighed a whole bunch of other skates against synergys and i think i remmeber someone saying g5s were even heavier than old 705s? also if anyone has tried old 700 series and new g series id love to hear how you thought they compared.

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