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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Sentry 2 Gloves

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Any info on these? Specifically the break style of the trapper, and comparisons to other trappers. Reviews on the blocker? Also, what was the difference between sentry 1, 2, and 3?

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Can't help you on the break but the Sentry 1 is senior level gear. Sentry 2 and 3 are pro level gear. Eagle's pro level gear was made in Canada. Now that it has been bought up by Vaughn, I don't know if they still make Eagle goalie equipment and if so, what level of customer support they offer. Back in the days, Ross Agathos of Eagle offered extraordinary customer service.

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As I heard from several reviews, the trapper is 5500ish in this style break (U-break I believe). It's certainly a "catching-style" glove as opposed to a blocking one. First impression is it's very light, which was expected coming from an old-spec XCeed (HUGE). But even compared to other pro-spec trappers I've tried on it still feels on the lighter side. I like it so far and I was able to use it in back to back games the night it was delivered with no problems. Only a few pop outs because it isn't fully broken in yet. Backhand is flexible and protective: there is a plastic insert that covers the fingers well (it's under the jenpro part with the "SENTRY 2 Pro" graphic). The deep, single-T pocket works well for me. Inside it's plenty adjustable (see pics), and the "Tighten" and "Loosen" straps are both effective and clearly labeled in case I forget ;). All kidding aside, I do really like the way the backhand straps are set up. Like most trappers there are 3 straps: Wrist, backhand, and fingers. The wrist and backhand ones are both mounted on the same panel (again see pics). This allows you to leave one looser than the other without it feeling like it's not there. It feels more like one very wide strap that conforms to the back of the hand.

The blocker is nice as well, though the sidewall sticks out a bit. I can fix this myself with some minor work. Like the trapper, it has a flared cuff which I like. I will also add another layer of foam to the backhand to make it fit my smaller hand more snugly, I guess I got too used to the giant pillow in my Blockade that anything else feels a little weird.

Overall not a bad deal for Canadian-made pro gloves for $260 USD shipped.

More/better pics as promised:

***EDIT: if these pics are too big I can change them. I thought I remembered hearing that 1024 by 768 was the maximum, and that's what these are.***








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