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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One95 Fitting

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I am currently using Mission 120AG, and even after almost 2 years, they're still killing my feet in many ways (see Mission 120AG fitting issue for some most notable "kills"), and the feel on the ice is pretty weird, hard to explain, but my skating has deteriorated since the switch to them.

So, I'm in for some new skates, and I would like to go back to my old "loves" which were the Supreme 3000, the last ones before the 4000 became the top of the line.

Am I right in assuming that the current Supreme line is more akin to the "older" one than the Vapor is, in term of "pitch" amd things alike? Before the Mission, I actually was using the Vapor 8, the very first Vapor, but however good fit they were, the feeling was a bit off.

Other thing to bear in mind, I do not have any proper LHS near me at all, or even one that is currently carrying the One95. So, I would like a bit of your help. I know, and I've read many times the "go and try the skates, get the ones that fit, irrespective of the hype, brand and whatnot", which I'd oblige to abide by if I had the chance, so please, let's try to keep that one off.

So, as the stage is set, I am currently wearing Mission 120AG in 9EE (wrong width, but I had no choice over), and my fomer Bauer (of 15 and 10 years ago) were both 9D. What would be the size for the One95; 7.5D, 8D or something else?

Thank a lot for your (soon to come I hope) input!



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