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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton typhoon int shaft

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i've just bought on ebay a used Easton Typhoon int. shaft. It will be coming in a couple of days. I think i'ts cutted a few inches because the length it's 44", so i will have to put some extension on it to reach the 48" i'm looking for. I know they fit regular senior blades but, what kind of butt plug does it takes, senior or junior?

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I know they fit regular senior blades but, what kind of butt plug does it takes, senior or junior?

it's called an end plug, butt end, plug, but please don't ever call it a butt plug again.

Most INT sticks take junior end plugs.

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I know they fit regular senior blades but, what kind of butt plug does it takes, senior or junior?

it's called an end plug, butt end, plug, but please don't ever call it a butt plug again.

Most INT sticks take junior end plugs.

omg i think i just pissed myself from laughing...didn't even notice, good catch ;) :lol:

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I know they fit regular senior blades but, what kind of butt plug does it takes, senior or junior?

it's called an end plug, butt end, plug, but please don't ever call it a butt plug again.

Most INT sticks take junior end plugs.

:lol: SOOOO SORRY!!!! I live in Spain and my english is not good enough.

I think I should stop seeing adult sites :lol:

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