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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Repair

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Seems like a worthy new topic...

My specific issue relates to repair work on the newer composite skates.

I've got a small separation between the upper and the composite base of a Kor Shift 1 (likely caused by over baking). Any advice on the type of glue or other adhesive to rejoin the two pieces? Obviously, it's got to be something that will take some heat in case the boot is ever re-baked. Also, something that doesn't degrade the composite would be nice.

Regular old hot melt glue? Epoxy? Other?


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I'm guessing you mean the outsole.

Hot melt glue is great and handy, but it doesn't have much sticking power. For something like that you want a lot of stick.

As for heat, I really don't know what could take it. I know my typical glue of choice gives off poison fumes if exposed to heat, at least before it's cured, so E 6000 is out. Marine epoxy perhaps? Don't think JB weld would bond too well....

I would also take a look at shoe repair glues, though those are often similar to the E6000 I use and give off all sorts of fumes, especially when heated.

I would give the marine epoxy a shot.

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I'm guessing you mean the outsole.

Hot melt glue is great and handy, but it doesn't have much sticking power. For something like that you want a lot of stick.

As for heat, I really don't know what could take it. I know my typical glue of choice gives off poison fumes if exposed to heat, at least before it's cured, so E 6000 is out. Marine epoxy perhaps? Don't think JB weld would bond too well....

I would also take a look at shoe repair glues, though those are often similar to the E6000 I use and give off all sorts of fumes, especially when heated.

I would give the marine epoxy a shot.

Yes, outsole. Thanks for all the thoughts. I was leaning toward hot melt, but I'll take a look at marine epoxy. It's a tough call because I'll only get one shot at this...finding material to test on isn't easy.

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Hot melt would be easy to remove if it didn't work. Just heat it up.

It certainly doesn't meet that standard.

As for marine epoxy, it's built to bond to stuff like fiberglass, so it should be able to bond to a similar composite, and it's built to withstand extreme environments.

One other thing you might want to do is go into a hardware store and ask them. They should know all the glues in their stock and what they're capable of.

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