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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Help...

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Had a pair of Easton C12's, and the tongues started to rip off. Finally got through to Easton, who were great and replaced the skates free of charge with a pair of Easton Stealth 999's. I asked here and was told this was a more than adequate replacement for my C12's.

Now, here is my issue. I got the 999's less than a month ago, and I have only used them like 7 times. I played today and when I finished I had a look at them and the top eyelet on one of my skates is falling off and the material around it is ripped to shreads. I check the skates after every use and this is new.

My issue is what to do. I am going to take them back to the store, but what should I be asking for as a replacement??? Should I go with another pair of 999's??? They fit nice and feel fine but I don't want this to happen over and over. Should I suggest they give me another model, and if so, what would this be???

Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

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If i were you, I would do everything i could to get them replaced, not by another easton model, but a totally different skate. Easton skates will continue to fall apart on you because they are glued together, instead of stiched. My advice is try to go for a Bauer, rbk, graf, or even ccm. Anything to get away from your eastons cuz they will continue to give you problems. I remember when i was buying skates not too long ago I asked the guy "hey what about those Eastons" and he practically told me to stay away from them because they are nothing but cheap glued together pieces.

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i dont know of they are glued or stitched, but easton fixed the durability issue. Yeah the old eastons weren't, but the new eastons have rubberized toecaps for durability. I personally haven't heard a complaint about the new Eastons (S17, S12, SE16). Maybe it is just the fact that your eastons are SMU's. This is just my opinion

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Yeah, easton has stepped it up in the durability department. Graf seems to have a lot more issues these days then easton does.

I would agree that it could very well be because your skates are an SMU. Contact easton again. No skate should do that within a month, it should be covered under warranty.

Also, if they fit you well, not many other skates will, perhaps none outside of custom if your foot is finicky.

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