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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi there,

Very quick question and sorry if its and obviouse on!!

Looking at wheels at the moment and getting confused about the durometer reading, can any one tell me how the "D" readings compare to the "A" readings, all i could find online is "There are 12 durometer scales, with the A and D scales being the most common. The A scale is for softer rubbers such as car tires and the D scale is for hard rubbers like bowling balls." Looking at one set and they are 53d, what would that be comparable to in the a, i know where i'am with a ratings, higher the number the harder the wheel with 100/105 being among the hardest!



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The D scale is not an accurate scale to use for urethane wheels as the pin is sharper than the A scale usually punching through the skin of the softer urethanes giving inaccurate readings. You need to use an A scale for soft urethane wheels 70-90A range.

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