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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 6K Fitlite Elbow Pad Help

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I have a pair of the RBK 6K Fitlite Elbow Pads. I really like them, but mine are getting a bit worn-out so I would like to get a replacement pair...

I live on an island in Canada, so I don't have a LHS. Because this is old stock, I can't find these anywhere online in Canada. I can however find them at a few online shops in the US, but none of them will ship to me, because I'm in Canada -- apparently Reebok won't let them ship gear to Canada -- even old stock.

I actually contacted Reebok head office to see if I could have them give one of the US stores clearance to sell me the pads, but they said they couldn't. They said they have no problem with gear being sold from the US to Canada, but it just can't be shipped straight to Canada. Reebok suggested I have it shipped to a friend or family member in the US and then they could mail the pads to me... I don't know anyone in the US though!

Has anyone else come across a similar issue, and did you find a solution? I would just like to get another set of these pads, before all the old stock is sold out!

Thanks for the help,


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There are a few shipping outlets that you can use if you live in Canada. If you live in BC there are a few in blaine or in pt roberts washington.

how it works is you get it shipped to them and then just let them know that there is a package coming and you can go pick it up when it arrives. it would require you to go the states tho which seems like a lot of effort for a pair of elbow pads. If you can call around to any LHS in canada somebody might have something in stock still.


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