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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Considering Getting Battram Nexus Pads

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Hey All,

I think I'm going to order a set of Battram Nexus pads, as I'm officially sick of nagging issues on my 8K pad. After speaking with Scott, we both agree double vertical breaks are the way to go.

My question is this: in a Turco break-style pad, is Fleury strapping enough to help seal the thighrise, or is a thigh strap needed? I'm worried the Fleury above-the-knee strap won't be enough to help bend it closed, and a thigh strap will be necessary.

Anyone have any experience?

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The good news is that if you ask, Scott can make all the straps movable and removable, which means you could try both during the same icetime.

Just FYI, the 'Fleury strap' only refers to straps with the buckles sewn singly into the lateral (outside) binding, as opposed to the usual RBK movable strap positions. It's basically just an RBK term. I think what you mean is 'angled strapping', where the position of the buckle on the lateral binding is lower - usually at or below the knee - than the position of the buckle's strap on the medial binding.

Angling the top strap downward has one purpose: to prevent that strap from getting caught up in the knee when moving to and in the butterfly. The further down the buckle is attached, the less the strap will pull on your leg - and the less your leg will pull on the strap, ie. to bend the pad and close the five-hole.

My advice would be to get a full set of attachment points along the inside and outside gussets, allowing you to move your top straps around as freely as you like. That way you can experiment and find out what works for you.

I've played with guys who use three strap per pad: one on the knee-block, angled down behind the knee, one on the calf, angling down from the top of the calf to the ankle, and one on the boot. Consider that your effective minimum. Personally, I would want a strap at the very top of the pad to pull the thigh-rise closed, but it would have to be a very flexible thigh-rise not to pull the whole pad around.

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