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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AIHL Sabrecats4

I've got a situation on my hands here

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So I ordered some RBK 8Ks from Hockeymonkey.com last week and they shipped me the wrong model. They shipped me this model:


When I wanted this model:


My question is, which model is better? I recently made an Elite level team in the AIHL and don't have time to deal with trying to get the other model before I go to Gulf Port, MS.

I'm going to be ripping these frames off anyways and putting some HUMMER frames on them, so the wheels/bearings/frames don't mean much to me at this point.

These skates seem pretty stiff which is definitely a plus for me, and I'm assuming they are going to be stiffer than the white 8Ks. Plus the older 8Ks they shipped me have a regular price that is double what the white 8Ks are running.

I need an answer ASAP because I'll have to be calling them up tomorrow to get all of this settled if I should be skating on the newer model.

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the older 8Ks were the top RBK model a couple years back, the one issue with that generation of RBKs was reports of pumps blowing out. So a stiffer boot but a more fragile pump bladder is what you received, but if you're not using the pump heavily it'll likely hold up better over the course of the season than the newer, softer 8K

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I'd say the skates you wound up with have the more desirable of the two chassis. I've heard some complaints about the Tri-Di Lite chassis being weak. Also looks like you got micro bearings instead of the standard ones. Many claim this to be an advantage, though I have no personal experience with them.


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I'd say the skates you wound up with have the more desirable of the two chassis. I've heard some complaints about the Tri-Di Lite chassis being weak. Also looks like you got micro bearings instead of the standard ones. Many claim this to be an advantage, though I have no personal experience with them.


Looks like someone didn't read all of my post...

I went ahead and got them switched out and will have my White 8Ks here tomorrow and can hopefully have my HUMMER frames thrown on over the weekend.

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Keep em.

The skates you got are definitly a stiffer boot. I had a pair of those when they first came out and they lasted me over two years, and that is skating on them 3-5 times per week. The only reason I got rid of them was because I purchased a newer model, not becaus there was anythign wrong with them. They are really stiff, supportive, and have a lot of foam protection around the sides of the boot.

I say, keep em.

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