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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trying to fix a wood blade

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So my Sherwood 9950 wood stick has gone a bit soft at the blade end. On inspection I find out that the bottom of the blade has split and is pretty much beyond repair...

...to the average man!

But no not me, I seem to have too much time on my hands!

So I have decided to attempt to bring a dead blade back to life...

So far I have cut the couple of mm of wood from the bottom to get back to nice solid wood - the height of the blade is shorter but still fine to use. After a brief sanding, I heated up the blade gently and added some wood glue to bond anything that wasnt quite solid i.e. the existing fibreglass to the wood..

Next step is to add some fibreglass (lots of fibreglass!) in layers to build up a nice solid new base

Watch this space - i'll let you all know if it works (im not confident!)!

Any thoughts?

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Usually after curving composite blades I add a small layer of epoxy resin to the blade itself. That keeps the blade as stiff before the curving. I don't know how epoxy/fiberglass resin would work with wood though...

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Just had a go

the fibreglass matting seems to have bubbles of air between itself and the blade - not good

Ah well, it was a dead blade anyway, so i'll see what happens

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Thouight the matting would give it a bit more hardness at the bottom. I'll sand it down tomorrow and see what's going on in there

The bottom does feel solid already though

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