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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switch to Larger Blades On Easton Skates?

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Hockey Shop employees, I'd appreciate your expertise.

I've been playing hockey for 25 years and am familiar with what I'm comfortable with, except recently I retired my CCM Pro Tacks and got a new pair of Easton S12 skates. (I'm only skating twice a week now so I wanted something that would break in at some point, plus, I developed my skating style with the softer boots of the 80s and 90s). I've always skated in CCMs but the price on the Easton's was too cheap to pass.

The problem is Size 8 CCM skates have a 280mm blade. Size 8 Easton skates have a smaller blade, 272mm I think. While the boots are comfortable I can't get used to the shorter blade. I've had them radius'd to my liking in an attempt to recreate the feeling of my old skates, but I'm now resigned to the fact that I just need to put a longer blade on them.

My question is: Will a holder for a 280mm blade fit on the boot? If so, which brand, Easton, Tuuk, etc? They're close to being dialed in, I'm just missing the feeling of a longer blade that I've gotten used to. They're making my stride choppy and I feel like I'm falling over my toes.

And now that I think about it, I couldn't get used to a pair of size 7.5 tacks I tried to shoehorn into in College (wanted to wear skates that were too small for me like Paul Coffey used to) because the blade was too small...wish I had remembered to check the blade length on these before I purchased them. But they only set me back $150, so I'm willing to adjust for the savings.

Short of being able to put a bigger blade on these, do the RBK skates fit like the last iteration of Tacks? They look strikingly similar in their shape, so I thought CCM maybe licensed them to RBK or something. Just looking to reacquaint myself with my old stride...

Any ideas/opinions/suggestions are appreciated.

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