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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Custom Skates?

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Was wondering if you could get 9Ks with custom lining (instead of the aegis fabric). how much does this usually cost extra to go custom? I have 5K's and like them alot except for the fabric quarters which tear pretty easy by opposing skate blades. I do like the lining on the 5K's, though, as it feels like clarino leather. does the fabric lining on the 9Ks hold up well or tear easily?

Any input is appreciated

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I have the 9K and I have slight wear from where my shinguards rub up against the top of the inside of the skates. I've only had them for a year. You'd think the lining would last longer with slight rubbing from my shinguards. Like the 9K, hate the lining. Could be more durable in my opinion.

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