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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer NME7 Recommendation?

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I just got an NME7 for xmas (early gift) and since I heard some not great things about the Profile 1400 series (which consignment sports had a lot of), I decided to get this one. Anyone know how well it performs and if its suitable for a mens league? The store really didn't have much in stock. I previously had an Itech mask that was really old with no model number on it, and the cage was rusting. I played on friday and a puck hit me square on in the mask, and rust shot out from the bars and hit me in the face, got some in my eyes, and at that point I was like, enough..I need a new mask.

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I've had the Itech Envy 7 (same thing) for about a year now and I'm really happy with it. I switched over from the 1400 and it seems much lighter and has a lot better ventilation. It's held up well and I've gotten rung a few times and it seem to disperse the impact pretty well. I think and hope you'll enjoy it.

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The early generation NV7's had some issues that were apparently fixed by Itech. For men's league you should be fine.

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