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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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U+ Stick Hollow Point Issue

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So I have been using the original U+ for a couple years now with no problems other than the occasional snap that comes with normal play. Last week, however, the plastic piece in the heel that is supposed to provide "hollow point energy transfer" fell out and now the feel of the stick is completely different. I'm also afraid that the blade will be more prone to breaking due to the empty space.

The stick is still in warranty, so I'm wondering if this is worth sending it in, and if not, what can I do to solve the problem?

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Send it back if you still can, my friends U+ did the same thing but it was out of warranty so we just filled it with epoxy and let it dry and harden over night.

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must have gotten the two year extended warranty, now available for hockey sticks sold at best buy.

he meant that he has been using that model for the past couple of years. not the same stick.

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