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Vapor X:40 stick

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I'm looking to pick up the Vapor X:40 stick in an intermediate. I've heard some issues with the X:60 about breakage. Has anyone had experience with the X:40? How do you like it? Also, does the X:40 have the same issues as the X:60?

Thanks :)

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I just got an X:40 for Christmas and used yesterday. Stick is solid and has a lot of pop. Reminds me of the Warrior Johnson but a better shooting stick. Does not seem fragile at all.

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The X:40 is one of th ebest sticks at its price point, its light, shoots very well and Ive never had any durability problems as of yet. Only problem I have of it is that puck feel isnt optimum...

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I must've handled about 20-25 X:40 warranties since it's come out. They all seem to break in the same spot in the lower 3rd of the stick. For the price though, i'd say this is one of the top sticks

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I must've handled about 20-25 X:40 warranties since it's come out. They all seem to break in the same spot in the lower 3rd of the stick. For the price though, i'd say this is one of the top sticks

Do you know if the breakages were due to slashes, taking a shot, or just the material getting weak over time?

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At this price point, look for the 8k sickick II. It's a very, very well performing stick and only 435-440g. Durability is pretty good as well.

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At this price point, look for the 8k sickick II. It's a very, very well performing stick and only 435-440g. Durability is pretty good as well.

lol the X:40 is $100 at most places, the 8K here in the GTA is around $190...dunno about online though

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At this price point, look for the 8k sickick II. It's a very, very well performing stick and only 435-440g. Durability is pretty good as well.

Where are you finding the 8k sticks for around the price of the X:40s?

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I just picked up the X:40 today and got a chance to use it at my game tonight. Like many of you have stated, this stick is great on shots but lacks in the puck feel department.

In terms of durability, I already have a chip in it on the lower part of the shaft. I don't think it took a lot of abuse and would have expected it to have cosmetic damages from the way the game went tonight but I can't believe there's a chip already.

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So I've had this stick for about 2 weeks now and the durability seems to been an issue. I expected paint chips but not to the extent of what I have gotten. Also, there are also several chips on the shaft. I hope this stick lasts for a while.

For those of you who use this stick, how is your stick holding up in the chipping and paint chip department?

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