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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate help

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My friends had a pair of xxxx 9.5 ee they were a half size to big and not deep enough, we were just surfing arou d the web and came across one95 on sale for 399.99 are lhs doesn't stock his size in the one95, he asked me if he droped Down to a size 9ee if that would fit better, I don't k ow what to tell him? I need some input for the skate gods!

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My friends had a pair of xxxx 9.5 ee they were a half size to big and not deep enough, we were just surfing arou d the web and came across one95 on sale for 399.99 are lhs doesn't stock his size in the one95, he asked me if he droped Down to a size 9ee if that would fit better, I don't k ow what to tell him? I need some input for the skate gods!

The best thing to do it put them on and see if they fit. Get your LHS to measure you up as each skate can potentially fit a bit different.

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Yes we would do that but are lhs doesn't know a thing about fitting skates they fit me for 9.5 when I went to out of town I got fitted by a guy that knew what was he was doing and I should of been in an 8.5 wide in grafs

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Most people don't need wide skates... they end up making you skate sloppily because you can't control edges.

Do you have trouble finding dress shoes even in W? I wear wide soccer cleat, wide dress shoe, but a D skate.

You might want to try it (maybe borrow someone's?) to see the performance difference.

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I guess the width would be a big deal, we are wondering length going to xxxx to one95. Like I said before I lhs doesn't carry much is the high end skates

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Maybe I didn't ask it right, but what is the size differnce I'm the xxxx to the one95. He's got a 9.5ee in the xxxx that are a little to big. Would he need to go down to 8ee or would he be ok in a 9ee in the one96

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