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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 10

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Not sure if theres a thread for this, but I want to hear peoples opinions about NHL 10. I personally hate it and regret buying it. The thing that makes me most mad, is after the whistle you can still hit people and whatnot. When you get in a fight (pretty much anytime you want, another minus) the first person to throw a punch will win, there is no stratagy to it. Also goals are WAY harder to score in this game. When i play online its always a 1-0 game or 0-0 till shootout. I think i scored 2 maybe in 1 game. Also hitting is way harder and you barely even budge the person. Im going to try and sell this game, ill stick with 09. :angry:

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