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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Action Jackson

Sakic to Lecavalier

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I went in the opposite direction, started with the Lecavalier and went to the Sakic. Lecavalier is a heel curve so it lifts your slap shots a lot easier, Sakic is a midcurve and I think that it's better all around.

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I thought the Lecavalier was tweaked recently, no?

I know it used to be a Lidstrom-ish curve, but last year (or maybe the year before?) I recall them having a round toe.

I had a quick glance at it and assumed it became somewhat Sakic-ish? Correct me if I'm wrong though.

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Correct - it's kind of like the Sherwood Spezza. Think along the lines of a Drury and Sakic love child. I don't think that you'll have a hard time adjusting back and forth. The Lecavalier will raise the puck a bit more easily since the blade opens closer to the heel.

its more sakic-ish but its still a heel curve

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Correct - it's kind of like the Sherwood Spezza. Think along the lines of a Drury and Sakic love child. I don't think that you'll have a hard time adjusting back and forth. The Lecavalier will raise the puck a bit more easily since the blade opens closer to the heel.
its more sakic-ish but its still a heel curve

Would you say the Lecavalier is simular to Bauer's Gagne?

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