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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hummer Chassis enquiry

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So i've finally taken the plunge and bought some One95s (thanks for all the help Hoffer) The plan was to strip the Hummers off my Beemers however if there was a chance of keeping the Tours for outdoor rec. I would prefer that. Could anyone suggest anywhere I could pick up some cheap/2nd Hummer chassis without paying $150? The sticky point is that I'm in the UK but will be in NYC from Feb 10th so could ship them there.

Thanks again

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Hi again,

So now I've decided to go for a Mission Mag Van chassis for the One95s (thanks so much Fatwabbit for all your help) As the skates are NBH 10.5 I assume from the sizing charts that I would need a L frame.

However a 10.5 is on the border of a M and a L. What are the positives and negative of a frame that perhaps is the smallest frame you can getaway with or the largest frame possible on the skate?

If the answer (and suspect it will be) get the recommended L chassis has anyone got anything in either black or white colourway that they are looking to sell? If the answer is M I should be ok for a frame.

Once again thanks for all the help


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I think it will come down to a personal preference. However, I am currently skating on a set of CCM 992's in a size 9.5d. I opted for a medium chassis when I had them made, because I wanted a shorter wheel base (as this was my first time running all 80mm wheels, I thought this would help my agility). However, in hindsight, I would prefer to be on large chassis as I don't feel that my chassis are mounted optimally (I some times feel like my rear wheel is too far forward causing that feeling of falling backwards on my a$$ from time to time). Now keep in mind, I am running the Hummer chassis, so sizing may vary between Labeda and Mission...but I would not hesitate to buy a large chassis for a size 10.5 Bauer boot. Good luck!

Here's a pic to show how medium Labeda chassis look on a 9.5d boot:


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Cheers Makoto for your opinion.

I agree with a size L for the boot. So now I'm looking for a L mission mag vanguard. Any going spare? Seems to be a shortage at HM and IW. Missed one on the bay which would have been perfect. There must be some on the forum...

Thanks again


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