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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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runner falls off skate during game

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Did anyone watch the Wings v. Sharks game last night?

In the first period, Niklas Kronwall bumps into the side boards and then falls down. Then he can't get back up and struggles the entire shift on one leg. I thought he'd blown out his knee again. It turns out, on the replay, that one of his runners fell completely off his skate. He had to be helped off the ice and change his one skate. Never seen that happen before.

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Saw that too, and I was pretty nervous as a wings fan, thinking he had injured himself again. After a while though as he crawled around the ice that it was the skate that was the problem. Quick response by the equipment staff too, who were waiting when he got off the ice with his other set of skates.

He did tweak his ankle though


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V26mNQtu6oc you can see where the blade pops out on him.

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Never seen that happen before.

It happens. Twice in beer league here last year.

Once, the guy took a slapper off the skate, blade cracked, both pieces fell out.

The other, he just lost the runner. It just flat fell out. You'd THINK he'd notice it was "loose".

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We were playing on the local lake a couple of weeks ago on a day around 30 degrees. Someone set up hockey socks as targets in the goals, and someone on my team fired a wrister at the goal that another guy stepped in front of -- without pads! He instantly clutched his shin and fell to the ice, whereupon his runner shattered as it hit the ice. I had never seen that. The guy's buddy had to help him off the ice, since there were no boards he could lean on to support himself.

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Never seen that happen before.

It happens. Twice in beer league here last year.

Once, the guy took a slapper off the skate, blade cracked, both pieces fell out.

The other, he just lost the runner. It just flat fell out. You'd THINK he'd notice it was "loose".

It's happened to me -- the runner didn't come completely out, but I lost one of the bolts and it came halfway out. I didn't actually realize anything was wrong at first, I figured I'd just nicked the blade or they needed sharpening, but when I went to take them off the runner was hanging halfway off.

I check the tightness of all 4 bolts before I step onto the ice every time now, mostly because finding a replacement bolt was unnecessarily difficult and I don't want to go through it again. :P

The bolts that the straps for my cage connect to tend to loosen up too for some reason...

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Was watching a Men's league game one night while workin, one guys holder (prolite 3 iirc) broke completely around the rivets and came right off. Guy took his next stride, and like Kronwall fell like a sack o' potatoes.

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