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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 8.0.8 pro stock blade patterns...

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Ignore the letters, the number denotes the pattern.

SK-11 = K11 = D11 = H11 = they all are the sakic

10 = Roenick

11 = Sakic

13 = Darby/Vanek

14 = Modano/Zetterberg/Forsberg

15 = Drury/Ovechkin

16 = Old Lecavalier

17 = Iginla

19 = Doan

J = Jagr

FC = Fischer

SKL = Skoula

I'm sorry, my friend, but I think you might be mistaken. The d11 I have now is not the same as the sk11 I've had before, which was a dead on Sakic. It's similar, but the D-11 opens up earlier on, and is less open, it's a legit mid-heel version of the Sakic. Open them up side by side, http://site.rollerhockeymonkey.com/images/...atterns/D11.jpg Compare the d-11 with the sk-11, similar but not the same.

As far as the letters go, they have to mean something. D possibly stands for Drury, d-11 is a drury variant or custom, while d-15 is a Drury standard.

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i believe the alphabets the variants of curve, coz i have a D17 and its more of a hossa/iginla combo with a high lie and like you said gxc...the D11 is similar, i also have a K11 thats like a sakic with a huge rocker and i believe higher lie

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Blade thickness compared to the Perron 8.0.8. (Spezza's is on the right)


is that blade really wood? never seen one so thin i can't image how it doesn't torque like crazy

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I'm looking at grabbing a couple 808 pro "Christensen" sticks, I just am hoping it wasn't cut down and/or had a wood plug added!

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