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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Silver Series Protective

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Anyone know anything about this line? A few pictures have popped up on the web but all been taken down. The gear looked to me like the old Jofa designs with graphics package to look like the current Reebok stuff.

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The equipment JR has posted in the 2010 RBK catalogue looks to be the same, with the exception of pants. Any pictures or links of what your seeing?

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  Ao8 said:
The equipment JR has posted in the 2010 RBK catalogue looks to be the same, with the exception of pants. Any pictures or links of what your seeing?
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No, I went back to where I had seen them and they had all been taken down.

These were either made in Canada or Sweden- not lower end Chinese or Thai made Reebok gear.

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There is the pro-stock/return items that keep showing up time to time. Elbow pads are the big item here, they show up either as Jofa w/ Jofa model #'s or the same pad relabled as RBK w/ RBK model #'s.

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No, it's not the pro stock items we have all seen. I have 8k Pro Elbows, 7k Pro Shoulders- what I saw is something new.

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I don't think those are it either- the shoulder pads were more like an 8800 with the new color scheme. Are the SMU's eastern made?

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