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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Plus/Minus real-time game scoring program

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I've been doing +/- in-game scoring in our rec league for a few months now. I can do it by hand, but figured there had to be a better way. I searched all over the Web and this site as well, but there doesn't appear to be software out there to handle this somewhat difficult and error-prone task.

So I decided to write my own. I've been beta-testing the following program for a couple of weeks and am pretty happy with the results. Anyone interested is welcome to download and play with this 100% freeware at the following link:


You have to download two .exe files to get it going, but I've also posted a couple of .jpg screen shots to give you an idea of what it looks like when running. At this point, it only runs on W2k/XP, but in principle I could get it going on newer Windows platforms, Macintosh, and even Linux. I run it on an older laptop at the scorer's table and haven't had any problems. It's still up to the scorer to get the lineups right but when you do, the arithmetic is 100% guaranteed to be perfect.

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