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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slash guards/wrist guards.

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Hey guys, does anyone know what the best slash guards are out there. I know a bunch of companies make a version, but which one is the superior. I took a shot to the wrist last week & didn't like the way it felt. It's all but 100% healed now but i don't really wanna worry about it getting hit again.

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I don't wear any of these but I would Imagine that these would by far be the best for dissipating the energy from a shot


there are also a second pair with the padding from Farrel the only thing with this is I don't know if these pads will affect the feel of your gloves

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i just bought a pair of Infinity guards. Imma wear them on the bottom of my wrists though, my gloves cover up to my elbow pads on top but the low cuff leaves a void. I should be happy with them, I'll let ya'll know how the perform on Sunday.

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