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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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10K vs U+ CL vs Vapor XXXX

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I can get all these sticks for a good price, just wanna hear some feedback. I can get 10k's and U+ CL shafts, formerly OPS but broken at the blade... looking to use it for roller, how do these shafts hold up? I have never felt one, heard they are very light, so would there be any durability issue for Roller/ Street use? The 10k's are Pro Stock and the U+CL is the new tavares one.What kind of tapered blade would fit them? Or I can also get a used Bauer Vapor XXXX stick OPS for a good price. I don't need all that many sticks, but yeah I can get them for a good price. What my question is, is are these Former OPS good as a shaft, or would i be better off with a retail shaft say a 7k or Dolomite?

And are Used sticks even worth it?

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Depends how much you get them for. Any tapered blade should fit. If you are playing on sportcourt or something similar, i would get the xxxx one piece and then when it breaks, you have your own tapered shaft.

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