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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX Pro gloves without Nike swoosh...where to buy?

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I was wondering if anyone knew where I can buy a pair of Bauer Vapor XXXX Pro gloves that don't have the Nike swoosh logo on them?

I see tons of NHL and AHL level players with them now, but haven't seen any online or in any of my LHS's. Thanks!

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Yeah, I've been checking ebay a lot and have seen those, but I need black with white. Thanks!

Any idea why they won't sell them at retail? Is it because the x:60 gloves are coming out soon?

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Part of the deal, after the divestment of Bauer by Nike, was that the equipment would be branded as Nike Bauer for a period of time. Within that period the XXXX gloves were available. None of the newer Bauer stuff has Nike on it (Supreme one75, x60, etc...).

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