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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok O Stick

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Anyway, my question was how does the 8.0.8 differ from the 9kO? I loved my 9kO and i've been lost stick wise since it broke (blade snapped off, stuck in the door behind the net). Thinking about picking up a prostock from hockey monkey if i can find a curve i like. (otherwise i found the curve + flex i want on ebay).

I really want a 10k but the retail is out of my price range and the pro stocks are too stiff for me. There are some on ebay but not sure about the curves (no hamrlik)

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I also loved my 9kO too, but really love my 8.0.8 even more. It has a better feel to it overall. I like the grip on it. The blade is a little lighter than the 9kO, but not too light that it was hard to switch over to it. It's much more balanced than the 9kO. My 8.0.8 is a pro stock though so not sure if the retail ones would feel the same way? I wish I could find another pro stock like the one I have now, but haven't been able to yet. Hockey Monkey has a bunch of pro stock 8.0.8's for $129...worth a shot seeing if they have curve and flex you like. What curve and flex are you looking for?

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