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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer OPS: Vapor X:15/ X:Light/ X:Pro

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I've been looking to buy a new stick. I've seen on hockey monkey a stick called the vapor X:15. Which is not listed on Bauers' website or in the catalogue. I've also seen on hockey giant the Vapor X:Lite, which is also not on the website or in the catalogue. Now in the catalogue there is a Vapor X: Pro avalible in 87 and 102 stiffness. The X:15 and X:Lite are both around 60 USD on the websites, only come in one flex (87), and dont mention anything about stick-um, which the x:pro is listed as having. My questions are: are these the same sticks, can i buy a 102 stiffness x:lite or x:15, do the x:lite or x:15 have stick-um, can i buy an x:pro anywhere other than through a rep. Any clarity on the subject would be helpful. In reality im looking for a cheap easton 110 flex comperable stick. I'm finally switching to one piece after a 18 years of using an ultralight 110 with bauer blades.

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The X:15 is part of this year's Vapour line at the bottom, no idea why it isn't in the catalogue. It is however quite heavy and doesnt come in Stick-Um. The X-Lites are an SMU product and ive heard it compares to the Vapour XII

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