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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok vs. NBH Mega skate fit

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I'm currently in Reeboks for ice and sportscourt roller, and I need a new pair of skates for playing outdoors on asphalt. The Megas, at their current prices, seem like a lot more skate for the money than the other brands. I looked at the 1k's, and the Mission BSX's, and didn't much like the fact that I could just about fold them in halfwith my hands.

It sounds like the Megas have a wider, more high-volume fit, and are stiffer than those. Would the fit be similar(ish?) to the Reeboks? It's pretty much impossible to find any to try on, I've tried everywhere from actual hockey shops, to PIAS, to the big box sporting goods stores with no luck.

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I just tried on the NBH Mega Pros in size 9, which is what I have in a Reebok 3K ice skate. I found that the length was pretty much the same but the Mega was just a tiny bit wider. I normally wear a Nike 10-10.5 sneaker and the megas fit great and they are a great value.

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SickBoy, when buying a skate at this price point, make sure that you look at all of specs and features that you are buying. The boot is the most important, but also take a look at the wheels and the frame. Are the wheels a name brand wheel? IS the frame a 2 or 3 piece frame?

A 3 piece frame that has bolts holding it together is the cheapest frame on the market and if you have a strong stride at all you will lose power on a frame like that. RBK and Bauer make good boots, a lot of them great boots, but buyer beware on the whole package.

Just an opinion.

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