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Backstrom or Kane?

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Toews/Backstrom is a harder question given Toews's demonstrated leadership and high level of play in the Olympics, but I'd still go with Backstrom. You just can't ignore that he has almost 30 more points than Toews this year.

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Toews/Backstrom is a harder question given Toews's demonstrated leadership and high level of play in the Olympics, but I'd still go with Backstrom. You just can't ignore that he has almost 30 more points than Toews this year.

I think Kane was the best American on the ice in the gold medal game, that has to show something. Toews was great too. It is a tough call though between he and Backstrom. The argument for Backstrom over Kane was primarily that he is more complete. Well Toews is more complete than Backstrom. But Backstrom's offense is superior to Toews'. But as Pierre McGuire so retardly put it recently, Toews has developed a "big-body presence" and that will serve him well in the playoffs. So reg season I take Backstrom, playoffs, I take Toews.

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