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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 8K Shaft in short supply?

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Been searching around a bit, seems like it's out of stock everywhere... most places are waiting for shipments from Reebok that are supposed to arrive near the end of April (for the GTA) or early May...

Are these shafts really that popular?

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well their one of the better tapered shafts :) have you tried majer hockey? coz they order it for you most of the time, they don't keep much in store

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it is a fantastic shaft. Have you tried Inlinewarehouse? They had all flexes in stock when I looked two days ago.

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it is a fantastic shaft. Have you tried Inlinewarehouse? They had all flexes in stock when I looked two days ago.

Inlinewarehouse is in the U.S., therefore they don't ship Reebok equipment to Canada.

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