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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Purchase Jersey Numbers

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Hey guys and gals,

I did some searching here under jersey, and number but got a plethora of hits but I am wondering if anyone knows any sites that sell just jersey numbers that I can iron on or heat press or something.

I am joining a new team and they aren't going to do another jersey run so they told me just to get a jersey with a number on it in their color gray.

Any suggestions?


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You could always do the HG if you want a cheap out...

Grey practice jersey would be about $10 and they charge $5 for a heat press and the do it for you.

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You could always do the HG if you want a cheap out...

Grey practice jersey would be about $10 and they charge $5 for a heat press and the do it for you.

Cheap out sounds good. Just didn't see anything on the popular online retailers for single jersey customization.

Is this something where Id need to call HG or did I just miss it on the website.


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